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Resources Adopted by PRO

Created by Meher Shruti S Yerramalla, last modified by Darren Natale on Feb 19, 2021

Gene Ontology (GO)
Sequence Ontology (SO)
Protein Modification Ontology (PSI-MOD)
GNome to indicate specific glycan modifications
Disease Ontology (DO)
NCBI Taxonomy (NCBI taxon)
Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)
The database and ontology of Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI)
The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI)
Semantic Resources, a collaboration between Science Commons and the Science Collaboration Framework group at Massachusetts General Hospital - needs PRO to represent antigens for the antibodies that they model.
Alzforum - intends to use PRO to model Alzheimer disease proteins and complexes.
EcoCyc - working on importing data to generate PRO terms; reciprocal linking are implemented
Reactome - working on importing data to generate PRO terms; reciprocal linking will be implemented
MouseCyc - working on importing data to generate PRO terms; reciprocal linking are implemented
Complex Portal (EMBL-EBI) - working on importing data to generate PRO terms for species-specific protein complexes; reciprocal linking will be implemented
NeXtProt - collaboration to annotate proteoforms; reciprocal links will be implemented